Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gillard heads to Lisbon for the NATO talks

The NATO talks are expected to focus on the future of the war in the Afghanistan and the timing for a handover to the local security forces.

Ms Gillard says she will be emphasising that the transition to the Afghan control cannot be rushed.

The Prime Minister will be back in Australia in time for the Parliament on Monday.

Earlier today, Ms Gillard wrapped up the three-week debate on Afghanistan in the House of Representatives.

During the debate many politicians on both sides spoke in defence of Australia's involvement in the war.

But Greens MPs and senators and independent MP Andrew Wilkie demanded troops be brought home immediately.

Ms Gillard reiterated her intention not to have Australia abandon Afghanistan and said she would be arguing the point at the NATO summit.

"Our eyes shouldn't be on the calendar, they should be on the ground and working out whether the time to transition should be right," she told Radio National.

"We shouldn't transition out only to have to transition back in some time later."

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